The People of Color Sitting Group at The Village Zendo!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Travis Spencer, Executive Director of the Institute of African American Mindfulness (IAAM), will discuss the importance of the embodiment of mindfulness to assist healing from trauma.
Travis will discuss how trauma-informed Mindfulness and a “community of practice” nurture individual and collective healing, and expands communal capacity. Travis will provide insightful anecdotes from his work with DCPublicSchools (DCPS),Run Hope Work, Educare, and Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW), and lead a discussion on how trauma-informed mindfulness can support healing and health equity in African Americans and People of Color communities by transforming aggression and violence into compassion, respect, harmony, generosity, and balance
Institute of African American Mindfulness supports the natural capacity of African Americans and all People of Color to live mindfully, with loving-awareness, and a positive perspective of self, family, and community.
All people are innately whole, possessing the capacity to be Happy, Fulfilled, and Live Free. IAAM fosters the development and empowerment of mindful people and united communities.
Mindfulness Facilitator
Travis M. Spencer MA., Mindfulness Facilitator and Practitioner