We Welcome You to IMCW People of Color Sangha!
Saturday August 25, 2018
During our mindfulness practices, movement and discussion we invite you to explore:
Topic: Vamos a Respirar: Let us Breathe
Saturday, September 22, 2018, 4:00-6:30 PM
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” ~ Thich Nhat Hahn
The IMCW people of Color Sangha welcomes you to be in community with us as we discuss the freedom that begins with a shift from the survivor’s mind to a present or Free Mind.
In this Sangha we will explore:
The Survivor’s Mind and the Free Mind.
Shifting and letting go of the survivor's mind.
How relinquishing control reveals our personal path (dharma) and connects us to deep intergenerational healing.
Cultivating a Free Mind through
Unconditional Kindness and Friendliness.
Joyful for others joy.
Compassion or “Love in Action” for self first and others
Thank you for the RSVP so that we knows how many to expect and to set-up for. If you can help with set-up at 3:30 pm, please let me know. Thank you
Please make every effort to arrive on time, and if you arrive late, please ring the bell at the front door. Some cushions, blankets, and chairs are available at the studio. If you are able to bring your own sitting gear, please do.
Location: Yoga Heights Studio, 3506 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20010 (between Newton Place & Park Road)
Dinner at Nu Vegan Cafe, 2928 Georgia Avenue, NW (between Hobart Street & Columbia Road)
Aspirations of the IMCW People of Color Sangha*
To explore our identity as People of Color in the light of the dharma** across multiple and intersecting lines of difference that include, but are not limited to:race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, socio-economic class, age, and disabilities.
To provide a safe and intimate space where People of Color can deepen the practice of meditation and mindful dialogue.
To study the dharma** from diverse perspectives and to inspire insightful discussions.
To cultivate a sense of belonging and community both within the People of Color sangha and the larger IMCW sangha*.
Meet the Mindfulness Team!
Travis M. Spencer leading: Discussion and Music Meditation.
Corey Castle leading: Discussion, Meditation, Movement and Music
Iris Rivera: leading Discussion and Sound Meditation.
Rashid Hughes Leading: Discussion and Community Practice