We Welcome You to IMCW People of Color Sangha!
Saturday August 25, 2018
Please make every effort to arrive on time, and if you arrive late, please ring the bell at the front door. Some cushions, blankets, and chairs are available at the studio. If you are able to bring your own sitting gear, please do.
Aspirations of the IMCW People of Color Sangha*
To explore our identity as People of Color in the light of the dharma** across multiple and intersecting lines of difference that include, but are not limited to:race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, socio-economic class, age, and disabilities.
To provide a safe and intimate space where People of Color can deepen the practice of meditation and mindful dialogue.
To study the dharma** from diverse perspectives and to inspire insightful discussions.
To cultivate a sense of belonging and community both within the People of Color sangha and the larger IMCW sangha*.
During our mindfulness practices, movement and discussion we invite you to explore and name:
What is Toxic Stress?
How Toxic stress leads to the manifestation of dysfunctional behaviors.
How Toxic stress negate the possibility of full personal achievement.
How toxic stress in Communities of Color lead to
a history of victimization.
Learning disorders.
Early aggressive behaviors
Poor academic/ job performance.
Lack of involvement in conventional activities or LIVING
We invite you to explore peace of Mind, Body, and Spirit from the eyes of self-compassion
Mindful living or mindfulness practices infused into daily life.
How life looks WITHOUT toxic stress.
How mindfulness supports our capacity to be happy, fulfilled, and live free.
The importance of sharing mindfulness in our communities in DC.
Quote: “Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.” ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh
Meet the Mindfulness Team!
Travis M. Spencer leading: Discussion and Music Meditation.
Corey Castle leading: Discussion, Meditation, Movement and Music
Iris Rivera: leading Discussion and Sound Meditation.